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Map of Belize - Click to open in new window

Boat ride to the mainland

Robert, David and I missed our bus, which was the only one leaving from the Placencia peninsula that day. We were lucky enough to pick up a free boat ride across to the mainland, and even more lucky to connect immediately with the bus heading north to our next destination.

Sunrise at Caye Caulker

6am sunrise on the island of Caye Caulker.

Washing day

Washing day on the Caye. The owner gave me a scrubbing board and powder to clean my clothes.

Jungle adventure

To get from Belize to Honduras, you could spend an entire day in an old bumpy schoolbus, or you could take the adventurous way and cut across by bus, boat, another boat, pickup, and another bus. The second boat trip weaved its way up a narrow stream and through jungle. At times the stream was so narrow that the navigator had to get out and drag us.

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