- Fun in Rio, part 1

May - July, 2000

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This is my wonderful friend Wonderson. He also is studying with the Circus school in Rio. He is supposed to be very good at the tecido (the material that you see Patricia on below), though he wouldn't admit it. However I was only able to see him juggling. He busks doing statuism. When someone puts money in the bowl, he gives them a little juggling show.

Then he roped in (left - right) Fabricio, Zaba and Patricia; I don't think it was such a hard thing to do, as they all love the arts.

So here are Patricia and Zaba in... action?

Santa Teresa

Just one of the many beautiful sunsets over Rio - from the balcony of Patricia's house.

Patricia loves her snake...

...and painting herself...

...and hanging upside down.

Here she was working at a fair, on the tecido and spitting fire.

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