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July, 1999

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Map of Costa Rica - Click to open in new window

A sulphur outlet at a boiling mudpit in Parque National Rincon de la Vieja. Iīve seen these once before at Rotorua in New Zealand. The mud pits and sulpher lakes there were on a bigger scale, and more spectacular.

Hereīs another one. This one seems to be drying up. Iīm sure it only takes a good rain for them to rejuvenate themselves.

Waterfall at the Rincon de la Vieja rainforest. This photo took about 20 minutes to set up. It was taken by lodging the camera between a log and some stones, and using the TIMER function and flash to take the photo. I had to do this because there was no one there to help take the shot, and I didnīt own a tripod at that time.

As you can see from the waterfall in the background, this photo was taken from the same postiton, I wanted to see the effect of changing my position, though in the extra 10 minutes it took to make sure everything was right, I lost a bit of light on the green moss.

Overhanging vines and moss-covered trees at the cloud famous forest of Monte Verde.

Sorry about this one being too dark. Itīs a 'Congo' or Howler Monkey hanging from a limb in a national park near the Caribbean Ocean.

And this one was supposed to show Leaf-cutter ants carrying chunks of leaf many times bigger than they are on their backs. You can sort of see a couple of leaves in the middle, but the ants are too small and dark to see.

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