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Sergio - Mexico City

This is Sergio Ramirez. He lives in Mexico City, Mex. I met him in the beautiful orange-stoned town of Zacatecas.

Friends seeing me off at the airport

The day we left Australia, July 11th, 1997. My friends came to see Adam & myself off at the Melbourne Airport (making sure we left).
L-R Rosalind, Maddy, Adam´s mum, Adam, Paige, Myself, Mum, Debbie.

Tom - Ohio, USA

My good friend TOM. We travelled around northern Mexico together for 3 months. He decided to stay in Mexico City and work. I moved on.

Oh my GOD. You wouldn't believe it. The wondering womaniser himself finally settled down, got married and now has a son. Here he is with his son Ethan of 2 months, his daughter Renee and his wife Yumiko.

Takashi - Hokaido, Japan

Takashi and I playing around with his digital camera at the Backpackers Paradise hostel, LA.

The look

This is the "Ok Takashi, that's enough now" look. You know those Japanese, always taking photos of EVERYTHING.

Kimiko Shimizu

Kimiko Shimizu from Yokohama, Japan. We met in Orlando, Florida and went to Universal Studios together.

Brenda - Mexico City

Brenda from Mexico City. This is on the night of her 'Business and Administration' graduation ceremony - Congratulations.


Alma from the cute little town of Saltillo, Mexico.

Friends in Saltillo

And this is Alma's best friend Lorena and her mum. L-R, Me, Lorena's mum, Lorena, Tom and Alma. We met Alma and Lorena while visiting a bird museum - 'Museo de las Aves' - in Saltillo. They rescued us when it was snowing outside and we couldn't find even one bed in the whole town. They took us in, fed us, gave us nice warm beds for the night... and stole our hearts.
...hold on a minute, how did Tom end up with the girls??

Rick and Tara

Rick and Tara with whom I stayed for 4 months in Tempe, Arizona.


Yeny from Chiquimula, Guatemala.

Keren and Naama

I met Keren and Naama (from Israel) in the Hotel Vienna in Cartagena, Colombia (Gray's World Site 2). I think this was one of their easy days. Here are a couple more that Keren sent me.


Patricia spent two years of a four year course with the Circus School in Rio de Janeiro (Gray's World Site 2) before the Ringling Bros. Barnam & Baileys Greatest Circus on Earth came along and contracted her to work in the United States.

Andy, Ginny & Gemma

Family friends Andy and Ginny - proud parents of Gemma.

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