- Chihuahua

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Map of Mexico

Chihuahua is a large state in the north of Mexico. Nothing really much there... except for the Copper Canyon (La Barranca del Cobre) - the equivalent of the Grand Canyon in the U.S.A. - which makes up for the rest of it. I travelled this part with my sister, when I came back from Guatemala to show her around the northern part of Mexico.


This is a view from a lookout we stopped at.

We stopped for a few days in a little town in the middle of the Copper Canyon. This day a few of us went on a day hike to some nice warm waterfalls. This is a view from the top.

The waterfalls

The waterfalls at the bottom of the gorge. We had a great time sliding down the rock slides between pools.

Rock pool

One of the warm rock pools. I'd love to see this place after some heavy rains in the middle of the wet season.

Returning from the falls

The walk down from the top of the mountain was long, steep and a little hairy at times due to a loose shale surface. The climb back up wasn't too easy either.

Party crew

These were a few people we met at the youth hostel there - at the start of the night. We went out and bought a few bottles of really cheap rum (AU$5, US$3 per litre). We didn't look, or feel, quite the same at the end of the night.

Another view

Continuing on to Los Mochis.

Taken from the train on a bridge crossing.

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