
- Space Shuttle Columbia

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Official badge

The official badge of the STS-87 flight of Space Shuttle Columbia.


Launch of Space Shuttle Columbia.


This is about 10 seconds after lift-off. Within 30 seconds the shuttle is virtually out of sight.

The shuttle chasers

The shuttle enthusiasts: Pep, (?), Tim, myself, Deb, (?), Ronrico and Kenny.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

At the Kennedy Space Center.

Shuttle insulation material

Upon passing through certain layers of the admosphere, the space shuttle must endure extreme heat for an extended time. This lady is demonstrating the non-conducting thermal property of a piece of material used on the hull of the shuttle for insulation. She is heating the cube with a blow-torch, while holding it in her bare hand.

Rocket boosters

A full-scale model of the rocket boosters used to lift the shuttles into space.


Another full-scale model, this time of the rocket used to take Neil Armstrong and his buddies to the moon.

The following images were obtained from the Kennedy Space Center Web Site. These are photographs taken of the actual mission (STS-87) that we saw:

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