
- Disney World, Florida

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The gates of Disney World

At the gates of Disney World. We thought we got there early, I guess so did all these other people.

Disney World

The central castle of Disney World.


Most favourite of the Seven Dwarfs - Dopey, with the beautiful Snow White.

Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.


Whinny's friend, Eeyore.



On the lookout

The cunning fox and his side-kick the bear on the lookout for Brer Rabbit.

Caught him!

Caught him! Now to prepare him for dinner.

Brer Rabbit

Kicking back at home after he tricks the fox into throwing him into the thickle bush.

Meet the Flintstones

Arms and I in a Flintstones car.


This is my Australian friend, Danielle, whom I met in Orlando, Florida. She is the head stewardess on a very expensive cruise boat, cruising around the world in international waters.


This is an endangered mammal called a Manatee - it is not a fish. It's diet is comprised LETTUCE! It would swim around (often in playful spirals), grab the lettuce between its flippers and munch away.

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