
Ergonomics is the science of fitting the workplace to the worker. It's important that we have workers with the capacity to perform the tasks we require them to do, and we attract the right workers through good recruitment processes. But even if we were always able to attract staff with the ideal skill set, there are still likely to be other factors which can have a negative impact on workers and their level of productivity.

People are individuals, and as such come in different shapes and sizes, with different physical and intellectual capacities, and with different needs. Ergonomic principles can be applied so that we are getting the most out of our workers. Equally, and equally important, it can help workers to have as positive an experience as possible during the performance of their work tasks.

As we do with Safety, assessing and then controlling Ergonomic risks is the approach we need to take in this area. Again, the process of identification, and planning for controlling those risks is best done through a consultative framework. Staff are a very good source of information and Safe Hands can both develop and facilitate the systems required to maximise this frequently untapped knowledge base.

Key Factors

The most obvious and the most frequently over-looked factor in relation to risk in the workplace is that we are dealing with people.

People have good days and bad, they can feel unwell and even get seriously ill. And when it comes to safety issues, human error is the most common reason that incidents occur. Error can never be entirely eliminated, but it can be reduced, almost to zero in many cases.

At Safe Hands we are proposing that a balanced focus on all the issues raised on this website can help you to achieve a 'Zero Harm' workplace, and in the process help your business to out-perform.

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