
- New South Wales - Part 2

May, 1997

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Just north of Sydney. Isn't it awsome?

From where I'm standing it looks like normal rock that you could walk to the edge of. I bet there have been some deaths around here.

Somewhere along the thousands of miles of beautiful coastline (no, I didn't switch mode of transportation).

The Sydney Harbour Bridge at night-time. You can walk across the bridge. The tower on the left has a museum inside that gives an insite to the bridges history.

During the day you can climb to the top of the tower and look out.

The world famous Sydney Opera House - taken from the above-mentioned tower.

The front steps of the Opera House (right side of the above picture)

A beautiful sunset over the Sydney Harbour.

If you look closely you can see two of the roofs of the Opera House to the left of the bridge.

Heading inland away from the east coast, I had to cross the Great Dividing Range.

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere I came across this Sunflower plantation.

They were all at least the size of my hand.

Easternmost Point
In northern New South Wales, this is the most eastern point of the mainland of Australia.

Lighthouse in the same area.

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