
- Northern States

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Map of USA

Kids at summer camp

My kids at the Summer camp in Massachusetts. They wanted their photo taken after I gave the two kids in the middle a mohawk and a reverse mohawk - I sort of got into a bit of trouble for that.

Summer camp dudes

These are the councillors in my unit at summer camp. The guy on the right is Alex Doronco, from Russia.

Hard Rock Café

Outside the Hard Rock Café, Boston, Massachusetts.

Whale tail

Whale watching outside Massachusetts (dedicated to my ex-girlfriend, Suzanne). This is very similar to the famous tail print that you see in many poster shops.

Whales mouth

The mouth of the Humpback Whale. Note the comb-like teeth on the roof of its mouth for filtering the cryll. The seagulls also get their feed when the cryll that the whale misses.

Baseball game

A `Ball Game´ in New York. To get this shot I had to sneek past the ushers and pretend that my seat was one of the empty ones in the lower section. Then I went right down to the front and used my 300mm zoom to close in. After that, I saw no need to go all the way back up to my section, so stayed in my new seat for the rest of the game.

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, New York.

Mt. Rushmore

Arms and myself visiting past presidents at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. Reading about how the artist achieved this was quite interesting.


Bison at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. This guy was just on the side of the road, happily munching away on some grass without a care in the world that cars were passing close by.

Elk herd

A herd of Elk, with the Bull Elk following - just to keep his women in line.

Loading `Lurch´

Michelle, Arms & Adam loading `Lurch´ just outside Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The car got its name from the fact that when we would turn a corner, it would 'lurch' to the other side, due to its soft suspension - welcome to American cars.

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