
- California

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Map of USA

San Francisco

Alcatraz courtyard

The Alcatraz courtyard, San Francisco.

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge.

Universal Studios

Charlie Chaplin

Encounter with Charlie Chaplin.

My girlfriend, Marilyn

One of the finer things in life - being kissed by Marilyn Monroe.


My grandad, mum, sister and niece were all going to England for a visit. On their way they stopped over in Los Angeles. It had been a year since I had left home, so I came back up from Guatemala to see them (by this stage I had already travelled through USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and back to Guatemala, so this was my second time in LA). Although we had five days together, we were only able to visit Disneyland, as my niece, Paige, came down with the flu.

Trying out the hammock

Mum and Paige wanted to try out the hammock I bought in Mexico.

The Mad Hatters Tea-Cups

C'mon Paige, lets go for a whizzy-diz

Ok Mummy, you can slow down now... Mummy, that's enough... MUMMY!

Donald Duck

You don't think I could go to Disneyland and not have my picture taken with Donald Duck, do you?

Venice Beach Boulevard

Rollerblading at Venice Beach

Before Debbie continued on, she just had to go roller blading along the famous Venice Beach boulevard.

Tongue piercing

This guy was getting his tongue pierced. I think he was having a good time being paid all that attention from a nice looking girl - until she stuck the needle through his tongue!

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